With an extensive 30-year career in the development sector, Sandra Rasheed has contributed her expertise to various national and international organizations, including MA’AN Development Center, Carter Center, and Save the Children. Over the course of her career, she has successfully managed numerous projects and collaborated with prominent donors such as USAID, EU, BMZ, DFAT, and others. Her professional engagements have spanned diverse areas, encompassing children, youth, education, water, environment, community development, food security and agriculture, human rights, good governance and capacity building, gender, and economic empowerment.
Fluent in Arabic, Ms. Rasheed currently resides in Ramallah, where she oversees and contributes to programs that address critical issues in the aforementioned sectors. Her academic background includes a bachelor's degree in English literature from Eastern Washington University and a master's in sustainable development from World Learning’s School for International Training in Vermont.