• Articles


#ShiftThePower & Me: Rasha Sansur

This blog first appeared on the Treehouse (ShiftThePower platform) on August 8 20201.By Rasha Sansur24th February 2021 marked my first meeting as the new #ShiftThePower Platform Coordinator with the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF). I was meeting with Renji Georg...

Persevering in times of COVID 19

By Saja Shami- Community Programs OfficerOn the fourth of March, we were in the village of Al Mughayer, west of Ramallah. Our meeting with the local youth took place in a humble room that later turned into a local bookstore after the implementation of the IBDA’ Youth Program. Following the meeting,...

Our role towards achieving food sovereignty

By Lina Isma’il- Communtiy Programs Officer The term national food sovereignty may sound dreamy when you first hear it, you would think, is it possible for a colonized nation, with no sovereignty over resources and borders, to practice national food sovereignty? But what if we look at it a...

Reflections on the Urban Remedy training in Berlin

 By: Rahaf RifaiDuring the month of November, I was lucky enough to have represented the Dalia Association in the Urban Remedy training that took place in Berlin. The training revolved around a topic that I hold dear to my heart and is fundamentally interlinked with my work here at Dalia....

The Social Change Auction: Funded by Palestine

 By Rasha SansurPhotos: Ameen Saeb With three laptops on my back, we arrived at the destination: A.M. Qattan Foundation, on Tuesday the 3rd of December, where the next couple of hours we held one of the most exciting events conducted by the Dalia Association: The Social Change Auction. It...

Pebble in Still Water

 By Saja Shami It is a challenging job to work in the field of social change; more particularly to mobilize specific groups of people; in my case “the youth” who are mobilized in order to accomplish economic initiatives through the IBDA' Youth Program, which is in partnership with Dro...

Fun-raising from the Diaspora-The Tea Salon

 Back in July, Rasha Tayeh, a Palestinian Diaspora living in Melbourne, Australia, held a fun-raising event for the Dalia Association to support the Om Sleiman Fund, which aims at strengthening examples of community-supported agriculture in Palestine.  They were able to raise $1,300 Austra...

On Being There: One Palestine Solidarity Tour in Focus

 By Jennifer Kelly The Diaspora Solidarity Tour Program,* a joint initiative between To Be There and Dalia Association, began in Singer Café, with a geopolitical tour by Baha Hilo, co-founder of To Be There. Over coffee and across a table full of maps, he meticulously walked the participan...

It's all about the Space

By Rahaf Rifai Having lived in Ramallah all my life, I remember it as a child, a teenager, and as an adult. I would walk home to school, and then I would walk to reach my university, and now I am walking to work. In my walks all these years I have noticed one evident reality; natural and public...

CSA Training – Om Sleiman Farm

October 2018 – February 2019By Najla Abdellatif My name is Najla and I was one of five trainees participating in the training program organized last season by Om Sleiman Farm and supported by Dalia Association. The training was based on teaching the concepts of sustainable farming and the model...