• IBDA' in the Schools-Closing Ceremony at The Orthodox School-Bethany

IBDA' in the Schools-Closing Ceremony at The Orthodox School-Bethany

 We organized the closing ceremony of the IBDA' in the schools' program for the academic year 2018/2019 at the Orthodox School in Al Eizariyeh on the 28th of May. We have distributed certificates to the participants.




We had great initiatives this year, that were supported by the school staff and Dalia's staff. The first initiative was Smiles of Hope which focused on visiting children with cancer and raising their morale. The second initiative "Animal-Friendly School" which promotes animal welfare in the school, and provide food and shelter for the animals.  




We extend our gratitude to the school staff for their wonderful cooperation, as well as Qusai Saifi for directing the students and his constant giving and passion.