• IBDA' Youth Program Initiatives-West Bank

IBDA' Youth Program Initiatives-West Bank


In the West Bank, the community initiatives that received a grant from the Dalia Association from the IBDA' Youth program, which is supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION, succeeded in implementing their ideas on the ground and reaping the first fruits of their efforts, after receiving training on how to formulate their initiatives according to a clear time plan in order to reach their goals. These are:




A Theatre in our village- Beit ‘Awwa (South of Hebron): 

an initiative to tour puppet shows in surrounding areas, and manufactures miniature wooden puppets. They have bought the needed equipment and tools to start designing these new puppets.




































The Returned Scouts- Al Fawar Refugee Camp:

The goal of the initiative is to develop the group's capabilities and provide training on the bagpipe instrument in the Hebron governorate, and training in volunteerism so that the group can provide the best service to the Palestinian community through voluntary work. New drums have been purchased and training for the Scout has resumed.





Yes, We Can:

the initiative targets land in area C that will be used for agricultural projects and tourism, while creating job opportunities for the youth of Jenin, and at the same time, protecting this land from Israeli confiscation. Currently, the initiative has completed a lobbying and advocacy training in order to work on the rehabilitation of lands located in Area C by the youth.


Encouraging tourism in Jenin:

The initiative aims to encourage and revitalize tourism in Jenin stems from their faith and their love for the land in order to preserve our Palestinian identity and our ancient history. The initiative seeks to shed light on tourist attractions located in the city of Jenin and its countryside.




























The Street Cinema:

The initiative aims to create a community cinema that will serve as a hub and gathering space for young men and women and children in the city of Jericho. They are now in the process of coordinating for places where films will be shown, selecting the films, and purchasing the necessary tools.






Al Ard Tijm’ana (united by this land):


This initiative that comes from a local cooperative, supports farmers in the Jordan Valley, in marketing their produce including cheese, yogurt, and vegetables. The cooperative aims to protect the rights of the farmers from the monopoly of prices that poses a threat to their income. Currently, work is underway to develop the cooperative’s production and they are taking training to add to their existing knowledge in dairy processing, as well as preparing the place and headquarters for food preservation.