• Compendium of articles: "Our Seeds"

Compendium of articles: "Our Seeds"


In its efforts to contribute to the documentation and knowledge production in the field of food sovereignty, Dalia Association in collaboration with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Palestine & Jordan, brings you this compendium of articles about Palestinian local/heirloom seeds, their relation to our identity and culture, and their centrality in achieving food sovereignty through the visions of the authors and their relationship with land, agriculture, and authentic local food, and through illustrations that shed light on the issues addressed in the articles.

We would like to thank the contributors in this release, Saad Dagher, Khadija Abu Madi, Omar Assi, and Nadia Hasan Mustafa. We would also like to thank the committee who selected the articles, Abbi Aboudi and Mu’ayad Bisharat, who offered their time and effort to contribute to the selection process with Dalia’s team.


The Articles:

  • Heirloom Seeds Are the Road to Food Sovereignty, But How Did We Lose the Compass?
  • A Seed of Freedom and Sovereignty
  • The Journey of Palestinian Watermelon... From Days of Glory to Danger of Extinction
  • Battir’s Eggplant Heirloom Seeds In Danger of Extinction



Coordination and supervision: Lina Ismail


September 2022