• Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar

  • Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar

  • Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar

  • Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar

  • Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar

Kufor Aqab's First Food Bazaar




On Tuesday 27 September, Dalia Association lanuched its first Food Bazaar in Beit Al-Karmeh, Dalia's guesthouse and community hub in the old city of Kufor Aqab. 

The Bazaar offered a space for Palestinian women to showcase and sell their products, and empower them economically, in addition to providing them with work opportunities. The Bazaar also encouraged the community to buy from local producers and support local production, rather than relying on exported goods and resources. 

The products sold at the bazaar varied from homemade sweets to baked goods,  traditional dishes, spices, herbs, nuts, vegetable pastes and oils, and more. The participants experienced great success selling these products, and most were even able to sell all the products that they brought with them. 

We are very proud of the turnout from the local community at the bazaar who shared this experience with us. The bazaar had visitors coming from different Palestinian cities and even foreign tourists who came to learn more about Beit Al-Karmeh. So, it is safe to say that food is the best way to bring people together. 

The mayor of Kufor Aqab, Imad Awad, who cut the ribbon at the Bazaar,  pointed out that this Bazaar is part of a series of activities organized by the Kufor Aqab Municipality in collaboration with Dalia Association which aim to revive the old city of Kufor Aqab, and encourage the Palestinian woman to produce and generate income for herself (Wattan TV). 


Interview with Aya Badaha, the coordinator of Al-Saha Program at Dalia Association.

More on the Bazaar.