• The First Community Philanthropy Camp

  • The First Community Philanthropy Camp

  • The First Community Philanthropy Camp

  • The First Community Philanthropy Camp

  • The First Community Philanthropy Camp

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The First Community Philanthropy Camp

The Dalia Association, in cooperation with the Palestinian Youth Union, held the first-ever community philanthropy camp.  The first part which took place in theJabal Al-Najma Rehabilitation Center was held between the 26th and 29th of August 2021. The second part, which took place on Zoom, was held between November 1st and 3rd.  The camp included 30 youth community initiatives with 50 participants from different regions of the West Bank.

Dalia seeks to become a placeholder for the community. We want to create intellectual and passionate conversations and collaborations between local initiatives. Hence the idea of ​​the first camp for community philanthropy and giving took place. We aimed to enhance the spirit of community work among individuals and groups selected from different regions,. We wanted to build real partnerships and raise awareness about the impact of conditional external funding. We also wanted to highlight the importance of social responsibility and local resource mobilization towards the gradual transformation and dependence on these resources. We want to restore the strength and role of youth and women in the Palestinian society, based on the authentic values ​​on which the camp is based.

The first community philanthropy camp came to reflect the vision of the Dalia Association, and the belief of the Palestinian Youth Union,  within its working methodology of working with the local community.  We believe the community should be the source of all work, partnership and decision-making. We work on achieving knowledge and skills sharing, while focusing on mobilizing the community and its resources with its different components, institutions, and youth groups, to contribute to achieving a culture of community giving, which creates support through solidarity, and cooperation between the various groups in society, building partnerships based on common values ​​and directions and reviving the concepts of Al Ouneh ( Indigenous System of solidarity).

Due to another outbreak of the Covid 19 (Corona) pandemic, the second part of the community philanthropy camp has been converted into online training, using  Zoom. It was unfortunate that the participants didn't meet physically.  especially after their successful and rich experience in the first part, as friendships were formed, and the fruits of cooperation began to blossom.

In this camp, we created a space (both physical and virtual) for us to work together, united by a love of the homeland and belonging to our community. It was an opportunity to develop our community work into effective community organizational structures that are able to have a profound and fundamental impact in pushing our society forward towards growth and sovereignty.

The Community Philanthropy camp is under the Giving for Change program with the support of the Dutch government. And the IBDA' Youth Program, which is supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION

You can find more photos at this link: https://www.facebook.com/DaliaAssociation/posts/4425019477576817