• News and Activities

News and Activities

“The Role of Community Support in Achieving Food Sovereignty” - Series of online Mujawarat to develop position paper

Within our endeavor as Dalia Association,  to present the issue of food sovereignty as a principle and practice in Palestine, and to gather the efforts of the actors in the field to come up with a clear collective approach towards food sovereignty in Palestine, we partnered with the H...

Voting Day 2020-IBDA' Youth Program in West Ramallah

We organized the voting day for the villages of West Ramallah (Budrus, Qebia, Ni'lin, and Beitillo), on Wednesday the 26th of August, as part of the IBDA’ Youth Program-supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION, and in partnership with Ruwwad in the area. During the implementation of the program, 20 young...

Signing Grant Agreements- IBDA’ Youth Program-Gaza Strip

On the 17th of August, Dalia Association signed 5 grant agreements in the Gaza Strip, as part of the IBDA' Youth Program, which is supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION.The participants and a committee representing local community organizations voted for the best 4 initiatives, with a vote weight of 40%-60...

Voting Day 2020-IBDA' Youth Program in Bethlehem

We organized the voting day for Bethlehem’s governorate as part of the IBDA’ Youth Program-which is supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION, on Monday the 10th of August, at the YMCA chapter in Beit Jala. A committee from the local community who represent various sectors participated in the voting to select...

Voting Day 2020-IBDA' Youth Program in Gaza Strip

We organized the voting day on the 25th of July, 2020 for IBDA' Youth Program- Gaza, supported by DROSOS, where 20 initiatives were presented. The participants and a committee representing local community organizations voted for the best 4 initiatives, with a vote weight of 40%-60% respectively, and...

IBDA' Youth Program 2020- Training in Gaza

We concluded a series of workshops as part of IBDA’ Youth Program - Gaza, supported by DROSOS FOUNDATION. Thirty participants from different areas of the Gaza Strip participated in a 4-day training. The training covered topics like needs assessment, design thinking, proposal writing, preparing budge...

The Allyship model: IBDA' in the schools-RFS

Over the past few weeks, we have been following up with the students from the IBDA' in the Schools program at the Ramallah Friends School, to implement the community philanthropy model: allyship. After having visited existing community initiatives, the students have now chosen to support the in...

IBDA' Youth Program 2020-Bethlehem

We started with the new cycle for the IBDA' Youth program, which is in partnership with Drosos Foundation.The first meeting was held in Beit Jala, on Thursday the 20th of February, targeting the governorate of Bethlehem. The meeting was held at the Power Group headquarters.We are so proud of Power G...

Signing an agreement with Power Group

On Tuesday, the 11th  of February, we signed an agreement with Power Group for the collaboration in the execution of different activities during the coming year. Power Group received a community-controlled grant through the IBDA' youth program last year, for their initiative Creativity Roo...

A Visit to Al Mughayer - IBDA' in the schools.

We organized a visit on Sunday the 26th of January, to the village of Al Mugahyer with the students of the Ramallah Friends School as part of the IBDA' in the Schools program. The students visited'Paradise of Thoughts" youth initiative which aims to encourage a reading culture by starting with the s...

Paradise of Thoughts: A Library in Al Mughayer village

On Monday, the 13th of January, The youth group in the Mughayer village, who received a grant from the IBDA' Youth Program which is in partnership with Drosos Foundation,  launched their initiative among a crowd of locals, and officials from the village's institutions. : Their initiative:...

Taghreeda (Bird call) - IBDA' Youth Program

This New Years Eve a total of 50 artists in 8 groups gathered for the Taghreeda (Bird Call) festival to present their art and theatre. Through the IBDA' Youth program, these artists were trained beforehand in how to exhibit their art.

ِAgroecology workshop with the Women Funds

From our resources, we grow, and enriched we become!We concluded the year 2019 with a great workshop in agroecology with the expert in Agroecology, Mr. Saad Dagher. This workshop was decided upon unanimously by the Women Funds at Dalia: Tulkarem, Salfit, Jericho and Ramallah.The workshop which was h...

Sol Band-Thank you Gaza- IBDA' Youth Program

As part of the IBDA' Youth Program,  the Gazan band: Sol Band, created a new music video as part of the Thank You initiative.  The video highlights the emotions of the youth of Gaza.  

Technoplant-Stevia-IBDA' Youth Program

A day in the lab of the Techno Plant initiative, which uses the leaves of the Stevia (sugar plant) to help create a sweet and healthy alternative to white sugar. Promoting a healthier lifestyle among Gazans. This sweetener has received the approval of the World Health Organization.

Restoration Lab- IBDA' Youth Program

A day with the Restoration Lab. This initiative provided equipment and training assistance for the establishment of a technical laboratory designed for the restoration of artifacts and monuments within the Gaza strip. The Lab was done in collaboration with the Al-Qarara Cultural Museum, as part...

Where to start - IBDA' Youth Program

The Where To Start initiative implements a full training workshop to inform medical students about the methodology of medical scientific research. In an effort to make a positive impact on the Gaza health sector. This workshop trains students in many effective and realistic types of scientific resea...

MACRO - IBDA' Youth Gaza

From the first episode of the Macro initiative: An electronic platform offering training, courses, and communication with experts. Designed for students of nutrition, and to raise awareness on common mistakes among those interested in this field. 

Let's Communicate: Puppet Show_ IBDA' in Gaza

Let’s Communicate: the socio-cultural project that aims to provide advanced training in the art of puppeteering for 25 children, held multiple performances in the area. With these shows, and with the support of the governmental schools, as well as the UNRWA they reached out to 14...

Signing Grant Agreements with Farmers-Gaza

On the 15th of December, Dalia Association signed 11 grant agreements with farmers in the Access Restricted Areas (ARA) in Gaza, through 6 partnering associations. Through the agreements, we aim to enhance the resilience of farmers in the ARA and contribute to finding solutions for communi...

My Story - IBDA' Youth Program

During a day with the initiative: My Story, while they are collecting material for their project using a digital platform to show the stories, dreams, fears, and challenges faced by the people of Gaza.

Aslak: Art and Wires-IBDA' in Gaza

Aslak/ Wires: An environmental, social and community initiative that aims at recycling metal wires in a creative way and turning them into high-quality pieces of art, held an exhibition last Wednesday, December the 11th.The grant provided the initiative with all the needed equipment to expand their...

Olive Cake initiative- IBDA' Youth Gaza

The Olive Cake initiative during the implementation of their activities, which is a socio-economic initiative based on generating electricity from olive peat, to convert the waste of olive presses into a clean source of electrical energy by taking advantage of the high heat resulting from combustion...

IBDA' in the Schools: Susya Visit

On the 1st of December, we organized a trip to Susya with the IBDA' in the Schools Program with students from the Ramallah Friends School (RFS). We learned about the wool project, an initiative by The Rural Women Association, which uses local resources, and the knowledge of our grandmothers in clean...

IBDA' in the Schools- Allyship Program in RFS

 This year, we started the IBDA' in the schools at Ramallah Friends School (RFS), with a different approach,  as we plan to take implement a community philanthropy model: allyship; where students will support existing community initiatives and cooperating with them to achieve their needs.I...

Ashab Al Himam (People of strong will) - IBDA' Youth Gaza

Part of the Ashab Al Himam (People of strong will) initiative a training program was initiated to help train and support special needs community members in the production of dolls and games. The products were then sold at a market, creating income and furthering the role of the members within the co...

Urban Remedy-Mobilizing communities through gardening

Rahaf from Team Dalia and a youth group from Palestine, participated in the Urban Remedy Project (Youth mobilization through Urban gardening) in Berlin, Germany.   Many teams from various European and Arab countries participated in the eight-day training course. In an amazin...

#ShiftThePower: Symposium in London

 The Executive Director, Majd Hamouri, and board member Yanal Hammoudeh attended the “Pathways to Power” Symposium in London, organized by Global Fund for Community Foundations. This past couple of days, they explored effective ways of #ShiftingThePower where the grassroots...

Mujawara with IBDA' in Gaza

We organized a mujawara for the leaders of the initiatives from the IBDA' Youth program in Gaza.The participating youth visited Al Qarara Cultural museum and learned how it was established through a volunteer group.The activities during the day included the concepts of community participation, commu...

Team Dalia in Brussels-FFP Plenary meeting

Majd and Rasha from team Dalia participated in the plenary meeting of the Foundations For Peace Network (FFP), of which Dalia is a member. FFP is an international network of independent local philanthropic organizations working towards peace and social justice.   The meeting whic...

IBDA' in Gaza-voting day and results

We organized the voting day on September 11th for IBDA' Youth Program at the University of Palestine - Gaza , where 28 initiatives were presented. Unfortunately, due to the large number of people present,  voting was not feasible.   Therefore, a week later, on the 17th,  a l...

Mujawara- Women's Funds

We held a mujawara* for the women funds which lasted for three days (12-14 September 2019) in one of the most beautiful guest houses in the old city of Nablus: Turquoise Hostel, a youth project aimed at establishing a research center while drawing on local sources of income from the guest house...

IBDA' in Gaza-Mentoring Workshop

We held several mentoring workshops, in August,  for the participants in the IBDA' Youth program in Gaza.  They are now in the preparation phase of their project ideas for the voting day scheduled for next week.      

Farmers' needs in Gaza

We met on Thursday, the 8th of August, with a group of Gazan farmers who work in the Access Restricted Areas (ARA)- Gaza*, in order to identify their needs, as well as the obstacles and challenges they face in that region. This session comes in preparation for launching the Farmers Program that...

Summer Speakers- Solidarity Talks

Dalia Association organized a series of solidarity talks, informing participants, who are friends in Solidarity with Palestine about different topics. The first talk, by Sam Bahour, one of the founders of the Dalia Association, discussed the economic and communications situation in Palestine, a...

Ibad Al Rahman- Dabkeh Training

"Reviving the Palestinian Identity" an initiative from Ibad Al Rahman school, as part of from the IBDA' in the schools-Gaza, participated in Dabkeh training from May to July.  They took 3 classes a week, in order to participate in national and folkloric events and festivals; all in an effo...

Signing Grant Agreements-WSW Gaza

We signed the community grant agreement (the grant that was distributed through a community decision via voting) with the leaders of the two initiatives from the Women Supporting Women (WSW) program in Gaza. The first (Art house) by Ghadeer Abu Rook. Her initiative which is a community and econ...

Al Natouf Market

Usayd and his team, from the IBDA' youth program, which is supported by Drosos Foundation, organized  Al Natouf Market, which was one of the winning initiatives that the youth community voted for last April in the village of Budrus.  They held a bazaar to support local producers,...

WSW in Gaza-Voting Day

We organized the voting day on the 7th of July for the Women Supporting Women Program in Gaza (WSW), where 200 students, women, and a local committee participated in the voting on 18 project ideas.    In 1st place is (Art house) by Ghadeer Abu Rook. Her initiative, which is a com...

WSW in Gaza- Workshops

We implemented a series of workshops with the Women Supporting Women (WSW) program-Gaza during the month of June. 25 women from different areas of the Gaza Strip were targeted and participated in identifying the needs and community issues, formulating innovative solutions and writing their proj...

Hand in Hand to Plant together- IBDA' in the schools- Gaza

The students of the initiative "Hand in Hand to Plant Together" from Ibad Al Rahman school,  held a planting activity. Their initiative was voted for by the schoolchildren earlier in the year.  This activity aims at raising awareness of urban agriculture and repurposing spaces in...

Meeting and training with the Youth-Yallah IBDA'

We organized the first meeting with the consultants Thaer Ayasi, and Mahmoud Hreibat on the 16th of June.  They guided the youth from the IBDA' program into turning their entrepreneurial ideas into productive and successful initiatives. These initiatives were voted for early in the year an...

IBDA' in the Schools-Closing Ceremony in UNRWA Beit Jala Co-ed School

We organized the closing ceremony of the IBDA' in the schools for the academic year 2018/2019 at the UNRWA Beit Jala co-ed school.We have distributed certificates to the participants.     We had great initiatives this year, that were supported by the school staff and Dalia's...

IBDA' in the Schools-Closing Ceremony at RFS

We organized the closing ceremony of the IBDA' in the schools for the academic year 2018/2019 at the Ramallah Friends School (RFS) on the 1st of June.We have distributed certificates to the participants. We had great initiatives this year, that were supported by the school staff and Dalia's staff. T...

Nature Corner

Nature Corner,  another initiative from the girls in the UNRWA Beit Jala co-ed school, in Aida Refugee camp, implemented their project idea during the month of May.  which aimed at rehabilitating one of the school’s gardens and turning it into a green public space for the girls in the...

A mural that discusses social issues

The initiative “Changing thoughts through colors”,   from the girls in the UNRWA Beit Jala co-ed school, in Aida Refugee camp, painted the school’s mural with positive images and highlighted other social issues such as early marriage and school drop-outs during the month of May. ...

Mujawara (Convening)- Emancipatory Education

 On May the 30th, we held a muajwara (convening) with Rosa Luxembourg on their recently published research on the Palestinian Curriculum: "School Curricula: Investing in Human Capital or Wasting it”,  authored by the Palestinian researcher Muhannad Abdul-Hamid.   The study d...

IBDA' in the Schools-Closing Ceremony at The Orthodox School-Bethany

 We organized the closing ceremony of the IBDA' in the schools' program for the academic year 2018/2019 at the Orthodox School in Al Eizariyeh on the 28th of May. We have distributed certificates to the participants.   We had great initiatives this year, that were supported by th...